Two things saved me back when life seemed harder than usual - yoga and music. There is something magical and transformative about both of them in little ways and big ways. I always hoped that one day I’d have a chance to share a piece of my heart with the world, and through teaching yoga, I feel like I’m getting closer to that dream.
I personally prefer a strong and dynamic practice, but lately, I’ve been finding beauty in slow and mindful movements. In my teaching, I want to combine both styles accompanied with some challenges to push our comfort zone a little, because that’s where we grow.
Practice with Klaudia

Meditation with Klaudia
Grab a pillow, perhaps your favorite essential oil and meet Klaudia on the mat for this all-levels guided meditation class. Let Klaudia's guidance and her beautiful singing voice take you away from the hustle & bustle of your busy day. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Stay connected with us! IG: @asana_etc
Chest-Opening Flow with Klaudia
Articulate your spine, invite space to your thorax! Flow with your breath, play with your balance, open your chest and enjoy that rewarding, warm feeling in the heart-space during and after the practice as well. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Stay connected with us! IG: @asana_etc
Heart Opening Vinyasa with Klaudia
The lovely Klaudia guides us through a heart-opening class filled with juicy backbends. Create heat in your body, space in your chest, and smile on your face :) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Stay connected with us! IG: @asana_etc
Ladder Flow with Klaudia
Enjoy how the heat is waking up in the body step by step as Klaudia builds up her flow asana by asana. Get your arms ready for all the lovely chaturangas, but feel free to modify whenever you want to. Make sure you have enough time to stay in Shavasana at the end allowing the mind to fly with Klaudia's beautiful voice. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Stay connected with us! IG: @asana_etc
14 Days of Self Love - Day 5 - A Short Flow with Klaudia
This short flow is all the little things. Combined, they leave you feeling a little more grounded, open, and joyous. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Stay connected with us! IG: @asana_etc
Morning Flow with Klaudia
In this playful flow we will use our breath and series of various repetitions and movements to leave us feeling energized, spacious and ready to face the day! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Stay connected with us! IG: @asana_etc
Funky Crow Flow with Klaudia
We kick things up a notch as we explore a lesser known variation of traditional bakasana. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Stay connected with us! IG: @asana_etc
Full Splits Flow with Klaudia
A delicious flow full of twists and hip openers that will help you ease into the peak pose - full split. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Stay connected with us! IG: @asana_etc